Saturday, July 24, 2010

liar!liar!pants on fire!

You are so full of lies. You are so ashamed of yourself that you lied about your own identity.Trying to garner support by potraying yourself as a loving husband?Trying to preach religion when you are the one who aniaya me and sonia.Trying to deny you were never abusive towards me?

Since you are going down the religious route, my suggestion to you muhasabah diri.No sane woman would run away from a perfect marriage. You are impossible. You are so full of lies, hatred and anger. You will never find peace because your heart is so black.

# Balqesh Abdullah


Unknown said...

Thank you :)

lyd said...

liar? more like cowardly lah qesh....a man that hits a woman, more so his own wife and stepkid, is no man in anyones eyes.
good riddance to bad rubbish i guess ;)

Balqesh Abdullah said...

well said doll:)he is completely delusional

Que Sera Sera said...

just dump him! you are way so much better without him!! And you & Sonia deserves better person in your life!
Once a liar, always a liar!!