Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chicken O' Chicken

Last two days ago I notice a small red bump on my arms. I thought "must be some nyamuk gigit". The following day I noticed I had more than 10 similar red bumps on my body, namely my back, thigh and chest. Its itchy but its bearable. Still thinking it could be a case of some bad nyamuk gigit or worse still bed mites, I let it slip until I was talking to E and he said he suspects its either chicken pox or measels and asked me to get it check.I went to the clinic half heartedly.The moment Dr Soraya saw my red bumps, she confirmed that I have chicken pox.What!!!!Me chicken pox?Dah tua bangka baru dapat chicken pox?

I called my mum and I asked her whether I had it before when I was younger and she said "I cannot remember la Balqesh. May be yes may be no. I know your brother had them"Thats what happens when you have too many children and you dont have a memory of an elephant.

I called my sister to inform her about my breaking news.Its either the Abdullah's blood or just plain case of kiasu, her first reaction is "OMG!I have to stay away from you"

The first thing I did was to call the office and say I am off till Chinese New Year.Yabedabedu!Tak payah kerja!!I can finally bangun lambat and catch up on my readings and perhaps watching E!News every waking hour.Sounds like a perfect plan right?WRONG!!!This is my first day resting and I am bored to death!!!Although I have access to internet connections and piles and piles of books and magazine, I am still mati kutu.

Since my breaking news spread, I received sms and calls from well meaning friends and clients of what not to eat and what not to do. Saw gruesome pictures of chicken pox gone bad on the internet. Chicken pox is real bad news peeps!

I am still in denial. I still dont think I have chicken pox.My reasons?I dont have the symtoms of chicken pox , i.e fever, aches and pain or tiredness. I only have the red spots. Even then, after taking the medications, the number of spots has not increased since yesterday.I called Dr Soraya and she says not to worry because every individual react differently to chicken pox.Perhaps mine is a case of delayed reaction.Delayed reaction?Thats so me.

I guess I have to strum my fingers and wait a couple of days and see whether its chicken pox or my body saja suka suka nak plays tricks on me.I surely hope its the latter

# Balqesh Abdullah

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My very first attempt to blog

I have been meaning to write for the longest time but I have shelved the idea for the fear of people's ridicules on my poor, dry and not to mentioned not creative writing.I have read so many blogs and I am always amazed at all bloggers that dared to put down their thoughts to the world and I said to myself, "no way in hell I will be able to do it".However,as days goes by, I tried to sample my thoughts in facebook shout out ( i know its lame and keciput) but for me to actually pen down my thoughts is a BIG thing ok?Little by little, I find myself liking the idea.
So here I am..joining the bloggarama so please be kind to me:)
What should I write?My frustration, my joy and my syok sendiri thoughts?You just have to wait and see or shall I say read?

# Balqesh Abdullah