Thursday, June 19, 2014

Love Never Felt So Good

I LOVE this song. It is on my iPod playlist. On repeat. The whole day.

The use of Micheal Jackson's old video setting together with Justin Timberlake and dancers were cleverly done. It is really an awesome dance music video.

I have never seen Justin Timberlake as a cool dude. In my mind, he is the curly haired 'N Sync member and a sour grape who wrote nasty song about Britney. He looks so good in this music video. I do not know whether age agrees with him or him imitating MJ moves, he has my vote now.

# Balqesh Abdullah

Busy Bee

'It is not so much so much how busy you are but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted'- Unknown

It’s been a while since I last blog. I have been busy. Alhamdullilah life has been kind to me. I am blessed to be surrounded by great family members and true friends. I also have developed skills to explore the beauty and wonder of nature. I avoid any association with toxic people. Life has been zen thereon. Of course there are certain quarters that is still vengeful but hey- successful people do let garbage truck take over their day right?

# Balqesh Abdullah