Saturday, August 23, 2014

The joys of motherhood

“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. “–  Lin Yutang

# Balqesh Abdullah

Monday, August 18, 2014


As I look back on my life, I realize that every time life throws a curve ball at me, I was being re-directed to something better and closer to HIM.  Alhamdullilah

# Balqesh Abdullah

Sunday, August 17, 2014

18 Struggles Of Having An Outgoing Personality But Actually Being Shy And Introverted

1. You’re not anti-social, you’re selectively social

2. At any given point, you have one (maybe two) best friends who are your entire life. You’re not a “group of friends” person. You can’t keep up with all that

3. Social gatherings that are supposed to be “rites of passage” like prom and dances and other such typical nonsense is just… not for you. You don’t understand it. You want nothing to do with it

4. When you do choose to grace a party with your presence, you are the life of it. You’re dancing on the table and doing body shots until 3 a.m

5. … You then retreat into three days of complete solitude to recover

6. You go out of your way to avoid people, but when you inevitably have to interact with them, you make it seem like there’s nothing in the world you’d rather be doing

7. Dating is weird, because you’re smiling and laughing and talkative at dinner, and then you don’t want to answer their texts for four days, because like, you just want to be left alone

8. You’re accused of being flirty with everybody, which is hilarious, because in reality, you can only tolerate like four people

9. You retain an air of mysteriousness about you, completely unintentionally. (There’s no mystery. You just feel no need to update the social sphere on what’s going on in your life every two hours)

10. Not to mention the fact that you either have days in which you’re tweeting and status updating every five minutes… or you delete your accounts for a month

11. You become unintentionally awkward because you at once feel the need to be a social life jacket for other people, though you’re just as uncomfortable yourself

12. You’ve never really understood the whole “introvert vs. extrovert” dichotomy (can we call it that?) Because you’re… both…

13. You’re always thrown into the wringer because people think you’re best suited to be the one who gives the presentation, confronts the boss, gives the speech, etc. Meanwhile, you’re practically throwing up over the thought of it

14. You ebb and flow between wanting to be noticed for your hard work, reveling in the attention and achievement you receive, to sinking and panicking over the thought of somebody else paying more than 30 seconds of attention to you

15. The entirety of your being is a conundrum, so needless to say, indecisiveness is your Achilles’ Heel

16. You’re at your happiest in places like coffee shops and cafés: surrounded by people, but still closed off and keeping to yourself

17. You prefer to travel alone, but meet up with people once you’re there

18. It’s taken you years to figure out that you’re shy. Literal years. And when you tell people, even your closest family members, that you’re “actually just shy” they pause, and then their eyes go big, and they go: “Oh my god you so are.”

# Balqesh Abdullah

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Walk away

Chanced upon this while browsing Instagram.  Am sure all of us, at some point in life, have come across such person. Do not react. Do not fuss about it. Just walk away.

# Balqesh Abdullah

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Faizal Fazri Othman

I chanced upon this news about one month plus ago when I was buying bananas, en route my morning exercise. I was shock beyond belief.

Faizal Fazri Othman, 15 yo boy was found locked in a very dirty room filled with feces and rubbish. The room had only one pillow and a wheel chair. He is emaciated, wearing only a decayed top with no trousers. He could not walk.

I cried when I viewed the video. How could possibly any mother do such thing to her own child?Beats me. 

The press interviewed her. She was defensive and has no sense of remorse.

In her defense, she said it’s hard to care for a sick child and she is the sole breadwinner. 

He suffered cerebral palsy since birth.   To care for a sickly is not easy. Allah creates this entire test so that the caretaker would be on a highway to heaven during judgment day. But this privilege only applies to those who are patient and care for the sickly the best of their ability.

I found his photo dated 5 Nov 2011 in her FB (I am kaypoh like that). He seemed at a healthy weight. What happened in between 5 Nov 2011 and when they found him is really mind-boggling. What can a sick child do to upset a mother for her to lock the child for an extended period of time in the room with no windows, bed, toilet, food and drinks? Looking at his condition, my guess is few months- bordering to a year (s) maybe.

Guess what Oprah said is true- Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.

I am happy you are in safe hands Faizal. The worst is over for you.  May you be happy in this life and afterlife.  Do know that you have a special place in Jannah. Ameen.

# Balqesh Abdullah