Sunday, January 18, 2015

K- Drama

I know I am late in catching this Korean wave. I used to laugh at people who is into Korean drama and K-Pop. The female artist looks like they all go to the same plastic surgeon and the male artist looks way too feminine for my liking. How lame can these fans be?

About two months ago,  I was just browsing my brand new spanking TV (the old one was dying on me) and I came across a channel called Viki where they air Asian movies. The old adage "Curiosity kills the cat" rings some truth. I was instantly hooked.  I  am a big fan when it comes to the female Korean artist. They have this innocent baby- face that makes you glue to the TV.  The male artist- they still look too feminine but Jo Dong- Hyuk is a different breed altogether. I now hum to Korean songs and I am planning a trip to Korea this year so I can buy Korean skincare products- with the hope that my skin would look as porcelain as Korean artist. Lame but true.

Kimchi much?

# Balqesh Abdullah

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