Sometimes, when in a relationship, it is hard to know where to turn for advice. Only you can know what is right but when you can’t quite sort it out, keep these pearls of wisdom in mind:
- Don’t stay with someone who antagonizes or belittles you.
- If you feel lonely in your relationship, you’re better off being alone.
- Know when to walk away.
- You can gauge a person’s love for you by how they treat you when they are upset with you.
- Love is a verb. Not a noun.
- When a lightbulb burns out, you replace the lightbulb. You don’t buy a new house.
- Don’t stay with someone who has no regard for your feelings or wants just because you’ve been together a long time.
- Just because you love each other, doesn’t mean you’re good together long term.
- No relationship is perfect and conflict is inevitable. What matters is that you have the desire to resolve the issues.
- Fight the problem. Not the Person. Keep this in mind so you can solve the problem instead of being mad at the other person.
- Don’t look for a girl you want to treat as a princess (or a guy as a prince), look for one you want to treat as a partner.
- Don’t disparage your significant other behind their back.
- Confidence isn’t “I know s/he likes me,” it is “I will be okay whether s/he likes me or not.”
- You can be compatible with a number of people. There is no ‘perfect’ match, you have to work at love.
- You are NOT required to set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.
- Marry the person who gives you the same feeling you get when you see food coming in a restaurant.
- The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it.
- Stop trying to find the right person, and start trying to BE the right person.
- The person who cares the least in a relationship has most of the control.
- Don’t fall in love with your waitress, hooker or therapist.
- It’s better to be happy than it is to be right.
- Always be the first to genuinely apologize after a fight.
- You can’t expect someone to love you if you can’t love yourself.
- Just because you like the friend-version of someone doesn’t mean you will like the relationship-version.
- Before you move in together, road trip together.
- Don’t be afraid to open up and be vulnerable. Vulnerability can bring you closer together and strengthen you both.
- When you and your partner fight, it is you and them VS the problem. Not you VS them.
- Just because doesn’t love you the way you’d like them to, doesn’t mean they aren’t loving you with all they have.
- Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential.
- It takes two happy individuals to make a happy relationship.
- If the world didn’t give second chances, we’d all be single.
- Everyone searches for the perfect person without trying to be the most perfect versions of themselves possible.
- If to love the memories more than the present, it is time to move on.
- Just because someone may be right for you, it doesn’t mean you are right for them.
- If it’s broken, fix it. If you’ve lost count of how many times it’s broken, or the cost of repair far outweighs the initial outlay, throw it away and move on.
- Out of all the things needed for a successful relationship, love barely makes the top 5. Honesty, loyalty, trust, and communication all have to be there.
- Always hold hands when talking about the hard stuff. It helps to keep the negative emotions in check & shows you care.
- Be the person you would want your future (or current) child to date.
- Love is about appreciation, not possession.
- Don’t go to bed angry. Everything will still be there and worse in the morning.
- Always seduce your lover, even if you are in a committed relationship. Otherwise, another person will.
- If someone threatens to leave you, help them pack.
- Keep no secrets, tell no lies.
- Sometimes you gotta wise up and let go. Yes, it hurts. But it’ll hurt more in the future.
- Relationships aren’t hard (even if they are work). If it is hard, you are probably with the wrong person.
- Love is not a feeling. Feelings fade, change, respond to situations and events. Love is a choice.
- If it feels wrong at the beginning, it probably won’t get better.
- If you’re keeping score you’ve already lost.
- Love is an action, not a feeling. It’s learned and developed skill, not an experience. Not that the romantic feeling doesn’t exist or isn’t a wonderful part of the relationship, but it doesn’t make it last.
- The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook.
# Balqesh Abdullah
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