I am going through a lot, a hell lot. Sometimes I do not understand why life throws curve balls at me all the time. Sometimes I wonder why God challenge me with the hardest of test?Everyone would say there is a silver lining to every dark clouds.Easier said than swallowing it.
As I got older, life experience taught me of what I didn't want in a marriage. It also gave me a better sense of what I really want. I no longer want to be a door mat. I also will not tolerate husband who cheats me of my honest living, a manipulative and twisted husband who goes all out to destroy all that i have taken years to build, an abusive husband who physically, emotionally and financially abusive towards me.I also will not tolerate a husband who is a cheater and a liar who lies through his teeth about every imaginable things possible and a husband who does not have any sense of respect towards me and my loved ones.
After all those sleepless nights, I have come to a conclusion. When I whittle it down to its essence, it is actually his expression of contempt. When he cheats to hurt me, he is actually hurting himself. I can never fathom forgiving him for all that he has done. I have thrown in the towel on my marriage when he failed me.
I can safely say to you that I cant resign to a life of quiet misery with a man who I have lost all sense of respect, as a husband, a man and a friend.
U have done way too much damage. Stop blaming others. Others were not the reason why I left you. You and your impossible ways are the sole reason why I abandoned the marriage. Stomach that. Farewell E.
# Balqesh Abdullah
1 comment:
your hell is nothing compared to the hell he will face here and the herafter...like i said, Allah does not give his ummah challenges that they cant face up to, rather here than akhirat rite? ;)
you are a gem of a girl, such a shame that your efforts have not been reciprocated. have a feeling he/they will only realise once you are no longer in his/their live.
all is not a lost cause, true friends know the real you, so be blessed ;)
Ramadhan is just round the corner, you will find solace and comfort soon, insyaAllah.
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