Everywhere you go, gym, kopitiam, office, functions, you name it - the hottest topic will be about general election. There are all this banners, billboards, radio airtime, news papers advertisement-full page full colour, all this attempts to brainwash the people to vote to the right party. Everyone will be yakking away about it, whether they are registered voters or those indifferent individual who choose to talk about the politics and how the current government should change but does not bother to even register.
I have to admit I don’t read the papers, namely due to poor time management. Whatever I am going to write is based purely on hearsay and emotional sentiments. Hence why you should not place any importance on my views in this entry.
“Deny two third majority hence the parliament will have checked and balance. UMNO isn’t a platform for nepotism. This is what I call democracy”. “The current government is so corrupted and cronyism is so rampant”. “Our PM is a sleepy head, he spend billions and jet set Jean all around the world”. These are some the cries of supporters of the opposition parties .The opposition parties promises that they will combat corruption, cronyism, reduce taxes etc etc etc. I wonder if they rule the government, will they be able to bring meat to the table or is it just empty talks by empty cans? Are you saying that if you have the power, there will be no corruption? Why is it when the wronged person was in the government, he didn’t complaint much? Why do I have to vote to a party based on religious beliefs? Who are they trying to kid with?
I see myself as an impartial person. I don’t deny that the present government has many flaws .There is much can be done to improve the current government and tackle ever pressing issues of development of the country and hopefully achieve a develop nation status in time.
I still long for the days when Tun Mahathir was still the PM and the successor will have Tun’s shadow hovering over him possibly until time of immemorial. Much like our beloved neighboring country ex premier-LKY. I don’t see any reason why we should raise our eyebrows to this notion. After all, LKY and Tun has ruled the country for years and they have tasted enough salt to share their fair share of knowledge and experience to their successor. I guess I am living in the land of make believe.
Tomorrow I will drive 236km back to Taiping to cast my vote. Who am I going to vote for? I am going to vote for a party that protects the rights of the Malays and the bumiputeras. I will vote for the party that funded me to boarding school, preparatory school and later university. I will vote for a party that paid all expenses for my dad’s bypass surgery because he has served his country most of his working adult years. I will vote for a party that not only ensures stability, peace and harmony amongst different races but at the same time trying to improve the development and infrastructure of the country that I can be proud of. Which political party will that be? You go figure
# Balqesh Abdullah
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