There is a past, a long ago past and a long gone dead buried past. Unearth it using the right tools.Unless you have a mission to fulfill a Pharaoh's orders, by all means dig it!If not, prepare your own grave and cover your multitude of bad attitude in it. Nobody needs another scumbag
Black magic is invoked when wishing to kill, steal, injure, cause misfortune or destruction, or for personal gain without regard to harmful consequences to others.
I do not understand why you need to resort to black magic. You tried to portray to the world that you are pious but in truth, you are seeking help from the black magic man in Thailand.I also know about your recent trip to Jakarta.Seeking help from dukun there too?
I know your real intention. You want to squeeze every penny out of me. My advice is, if you want money, find it through the halal way. Get a proper education, get a proper job and with the decent monthly salary, save it. Not through fake promises,lies, extortion, force or your top of this wish list;your hope that your dad is dead so u can inherit his money.Stop being a parasite, will ya?
Remember, what goes around comes around. Allah is fair. The prayer of orang kena aniaya is easily makbulkan by Allah. I will not forgive you. You have a black heart. I feel sorry for ever knowing a sad soul like you.
# Balqesh Abdullah