"He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat"-Napoleon Bonaparte
I love running. I have always been running. For ages. I do not have the physique of a runner but I do love to run. I do not run fast.I am more of long distance runner. Slow but clocks the distance.
In school, I was never a runner and I suck at sports. I wasn't fast enough. My eyes, hands and legs coordination is very poor. Despite all that, I ran. On my own. At my own time.
The moment I mention I run, it will be met with skepticism . I may not have the lean physique or rippling muscles or the thunder thighs. In short the physique of a runner. I have chubby arms and thighs, a pouch and sagging ass. But does that mean I am a couch potato?I have a marathon buddy. She too endured the same skepticism the moment she mention she runs. Let me share you some real-live snippets of the chides that we have to endure.
Example No.1:
A:So how was the marathon?What was your time?
B:Roughly 1hour 20-25 mins, the unofficial time on my watch lah
A:Ohh..let's hope the official time keeper wasn't asleep la that time
B:Dey...these days mana ada physical time keeper. Orang pakai chip kat kasut to track the time
A:Ohh..well let's hope the battery wasn't dead while you were running
Example No.2:
Me and my marathon buddy just finished our breakfast at mamak joint after one of the toughest marathon together. We were still in our marathon attire. We bumped into her neighbour.
Neighbour: Where were you from?
Marathon buddy:Just finish a marathon
Neighbour:Dapat number berapa?
Before she had the chance to reply, the neighbour went "dapat nombor last kan"
Example No.3:
"Boleh ke you run?Mesti you tak habis punya"
and the list goes on and on.
Sometimes I wonder why do people have to be so negative and pessimistic?I would in awe if I hear friends doing positive activities in their lives. I wonder why others cant feel the same?Beats me
I do not run competitively. I run for the sheer fun of running. If you talk to serious runners,they will have their running groups.They will talk about the foot works, the runners high and their personal record. Me?Nada. Just me,stamina, willpower and now my angry songs from the play list from my Ipod.
I know running is all about mind over matter.Your mind needs to be strong. It is a serious matter and it should not be taken lightly. If I do not train or do the proper warm down, my body will suffer. I did a gruelling marathon two weeks after Hari Raya. I hardly train during Ramadhan. Running with an empty stomach is like a car trying to run without fuel. I was slacking until the day of the marathon. I was hoping the lemangs, rendangs, chocolate brownies and all the yummylicious raya goodies will provide me with the extra energy for the run. I was so so wrong. The course was hilly and tough. The weather was scorching hot. At one point, I wanted to puke.Like I said earlier, its mind over matter. I finish the marathon with a very sore body and very bad sun burnt.
I was determined not to go through the same experience as the past gruelling marathon. I train. Hard. I didn't rest on my laurels.Guess what?The next marathon, it was a breeze. My body did not ache after the marathon. I felt strong. My timing was much better than the rest of my marathons.
My aim is to do 21km next year. Yes, my jiggly arms, thighs, pouch and sagging ass will slow run to the finishing line of 21km next year.To my marathon buddy, ada berani?:)
# Balqesh Abdullah