This entry is dedicated to my daughter. Those none kids lover, kindly skip the entry. This is an entry of pure gushing of my undying love for my daughter.
Sonia Eelia, I want you to know that the moment I saw you, I instantly fell in love with you.For me, you are the most beautiful baby I have ever laid my eyes on. I was so overwhelm with love that I wanted to guard you with my life.I still hold the feelings till to date. I am pretty sure that even to my last breath, I still will hold true to my undying love towards you.
I want you to know that mummy is so proud of you.
For a toddler of your age, you are so intelligent. You could understand and comprehend the sticky situation your mummy seems to face.
You always try to offer yourself as mummy's solace when mummy is blue.
I admire your train of thoughts. Your quick wit answers always provide joy to mummy's and all listening ears.
You are so loving and caring, even to those who have little patience over your stubbornness.
You are so giving and always want to please people around you.
You always want to help others. Even to strangers.
I am one of the most luckiest woman in this world as every day I am with you,I will never be short of flowers as you will pick flowers for me, be it from the park or Uncle Lim the neighbour blossoming pots of flowers or those on the street.
When I am under the weather, you tried to nurse me back to health.Your caring ways is the perfect antidote for any of mummy's sickness.
You are always trying to be the elder sister to all the younger kids and always try to amuse them with your singing, toys and facial gestures.
You are turning into a vain pot. You always wants to look presentable. You are natural in front of camera.Hmmmnn..I guess that traits comes from your abah.Definitely not from me.LOL
I see you growing, from an infant to a toddler. Time really flies. Now you are no more a baby.Your taste in music has changed, from nursery rhymes to Katy Perry and Lady Gaga songs. How your interest have changed from Pocoyo and Dibo the Gift Dragon to Troy from High School Musical and Jonas Brothers from Camp Rock. How you idolised Sharpei Evans compared to Dora the Explorer.Now you are into pretty make up,nail polish and pretty pink frilly dresses. The next thing I know you are off to college and then climbing the corporate ladder.
Sonia Eelia, although mummy can be grumpy at times or when mummy tells you off when you are out off line, I want you to know I really love you with all my heart. I am so thankful to have you in my life. I would not be the woman I am now, not for you. You made me a stronger and a much more determined person that only wants the best for you.I will never allow anyone to harm you. The day that you are taken from me is the day you see me crumble into pieces so lets hope that day will never come, although certain spiteful person attempted to do that to us. I treasure all the times we spent together, be it fighting with each other, dancing to silly pop songs or you forcing me to watch all your cartoon or Disney channels.
I pray you will be a much more better person than mummy when you grow up. I pray your future will be much more brighter than mummy's.I pray Allah will protect you from any harm. I pray that you will not endure as much heartache and pain as mummy have experienced. I pray that one day you too will be proud to have me as your mummy. I love you Sonia Eelia. You are truly a God's gift to mummy.
# Balqesh Abdullah